David and I decided to take Mr. Dewitt's advice and go for a hike. The weather was perfect - the time around 4:30- and the green stuff was really in full force. We kept imagining Cali and his girl Betsy and wondering where in the landscape they would take their pictures. Something about taking the long back way makes me feel like a kid...on an adventure.
We were nostalgic about the trees on the playgrounds of Ohio and the propeller seed things that fall from the branches. We saw some cool old tree roots bursting from the ground. David stopped near a patch of yellow mustard seed plants- and we laughed how all California bands have at least one photo shoot that resembles this
We walked around the top and found that even nature isn't safe from the taggers
Even the dirty puddles look pretty with sunlight and limp trees. Around this bend we saw a parked car with a couple getting down and dirty. David noticed a BEATLES bumper sticker and had a tiny rant about it being redundant. Isn't that like a "given" he said. I mean it's not like a Fugazi sticker or something. Everyone young and old gets the "beatles thing". Why bother. Maybe they should get a sticker that says I Dig French Fries too. I'm always amazed by the pompom yellow trees. What the hell are those things anyway? They are seriously fluffy and happy.
We passed this awesome Keebler Elf house on the way home. A few houses away we met this amazing 82 year old lady from Finland named Aria (pronouced Ira) . She has lived there for 50 years and owns her place. She had these lovely lazy fluffy calico cats in the driveway. She said her husband was an Olympic speed walker? David seemed to understand this. Her husband would spend two hours getting lost in the park with their dog everyday. She still drives to Forest Lawn once a day to visit him. I loved that she had gold hoops and a black beret on. She apologized for her terry cloth robe and said she has baby fine hair that needed a permanent. She said she met her husband when she lived in NYC near Park Ave- someplace...in 56'. I may have to go visit her again soon. We talked for almost an hour-she wished David a good trip back home
When we got home Cynthia was fixing up the new shop with her lovely new lamp. Here she is getting all the teardrops back onto the fixture. It's nice seeing the little things start to take shape in there. Soon it will be buzzing with energy--I'm so proud of her
Holy moly! I wish me and Bets woulda run into you dudes. Isn't it a nice feeling after a good walk?
I didn't walk today but I had personal encounters with three seperate weirdos. The herion addled Jesus freak aggression master was most disturbing, and my camera battery was dead so you'll just have to believe me.
Posted by: cali | April 17, 2006 at 11:17 PM