Last night we all went downtown to see our friend Sarah and her contribution to the Art Print Show at Poketo. The gallery is in a renovated warehouse space and is home to all types of collaborations with artists. Here was the flyer:
Here she is with her OWL print
David seems to be turning into a sourpuss here. He was also approached the minute we arrived by a guy who recognized him the night before at the Little Joy. That's right folks, you heard it here first, David hit up the old LJ. Anyway, the guy complimented his t-shirt from the night before and then went on to say he is a huge fan of his blog too. WOW, david has a blog fanclub now. Got me thinking, maybe I should make MoldyDoily Fan Mail and glossy pics.
we all decided to go to Little Tokyo and karaoke, maybe I should say "return to the scene of the karaoke crime". I am not going to name any names here, but look at that Ray Stevens song and you can guess
Here's Fran actually sweet talking Whitesnake "here I go again..." in an almost folk implosion way. It took a few of us time to even guess what she was singing because her shy voice is almost strictly audible to dolphins
We signed David up for "Bittersweet Symphony", but he wasn't having it. He went outside and avoided the calling.
These girls came up after all of us and killed it with their rendition of "AFrica" When you actually see the words to that song on the screen, you can't help but say...Huh? Good thing our friend's dad is actually in the band TOTO so I can ask the true meaning. According to Wikipedia:
"Africa" is a song by rock band Toto. Its story is told from the perspective of a man in Africa awaiting his female partner's inbound flight. The protagonist looks forward to their time together during the rainy season as it grants a reprieve from his normal responsibilities. The song's catchy chorus incorporates metaphor for his determination to guard his time with her: "It's gonna take a lot to drag me away from you / There's nothing that a hundred men or more could ever do / I bless the rains down in Africa / Gonna take some time to do the things we never had".
Hahaa- TOTO is always a karaoke necessity yo!
The lyrics put me over the top- aside from Africa, there's that obsessive Rosanna Arquette song which gets kinda wordy.
Did you really do the g-pa song? too funny.
I notice lately Cynth in all her snaps has the Paris/Nicole Ritchie chin down/secret smile/closed lip thing down. She is ready for them paps:)
We made the best fish last night after a 2 hour market jaunt- haven't been posting on my blogs lately so put the recipe up on Bonne Bouche then we got our Battlestar Rewatch on! Was a good quieter nite.
Happy Easter lady. Love ya.
Posted by: orchide | March 23, 2008 at 11:29 AM