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« 90210 B I G -FINALE! | Main | 11 »

May 22, 2011


WOW - what an amazing space to work in. You are truly living the dream!


The top photo of you looks like the handpainted cover of a haunting old novel. This heroine character that gets curious and starts to play amateur detective in some very eerie circumstances...

oh Kime, I remember we used to mail on myspace many moons ago. You have come so far, and are such a huge inspiration. I have spent the past hour reading through some posts and soaking up your wise words and positive thinking,,you are a constant go to gal for when I need a push with my art. Thank you,,,always


Wow, sounds like you found the perfect workspace... congrats... :o)

Love the top photo...very pretty pic and very Lindsay Lohan-ish...


i am glad for you too
good luck;)

Wow, you've inspired me to visit the American desert.

You must! It is so beautiful, but obviously these next few months are scorching hot...
I love the heat, but I know sometimes it's hard to do much outside

So cute! I already like you on FB and also get your posts on Google Reader. :)

Deserts may be arid but they are full of life and people live there as well! The good thing about a desert is that at least it isn't a total wasteland but full of unique creatures that have adapt and live in the desert!

Healing air out in the desert. Maybe that what we call peacefulness, the peacefulness of the desert can somehow heal the wounds that we feel inside us.

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